Coming in 2026

Artspace Windgate Campus

A creative hub for Little Rock in the Historic East End

1102 E 8th St Little Rock, AR, 72202

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Your generous donation expands affordable housing and creative business opportunities in Little Rock.

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Artspace Windgate Campus grew out of a strategic effort to benefit community led by the Windgate Foundation with key support from civic leaders, arts organizations, local artists, and creative businesses.

Due to strong local momentum for the arts as a strategy for community development, Artspace worked with the Little Rock and North Little Rock communities beginning in 2018 to explore the feasibility of an Artspace live/work project. Located in the historic East End, and through its proximity to the Clinton Presidential Center, Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts and the future home of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, the Artspace Windgate Campus will be another anchor for Little Rock’s expanding arts and culture scene.

The new construction development is a four-story building that will provide 60 units of affordable live/work style housing designed for artists and their families, ten working artist-in-residence studios, ample event and gallery space including a large outdoor courtyard, and approximately 12,000 square feet of commercial space to provide space for local arts and cultural organizations. To designate Artspace Windgate Campus as a destination for the arts, public art components will include murals situated on the building’s exterior spaces and sculptural components in the outdoor courtyard along College Street.

The exterior design reflects the level of artistic activity occurring within the multifamily affordable housing units and commercial studios. The units are one-, two-, and three- bedrooms, addressing the need for affordable housing for individual artists and their households. Artspace Windgate Campus will bridge geographic and cultural creative communities through a critical mass of residential units and commercial space that prioritizes a diverse creative workforce, and provides a sustainable home for a broad creative sector.



Artspace Projects


Windgate Foundation


AMR Architects

General Contractor

Clark Construction


  • Harriet and Warren Stephens
  • Anne and Merritt Dyke
  • Charles A. Frueauff Foundation
  • The Hussman Foundation
  • Jackye and Curtis Finch Jr.
  • John and Robyn Horn
  • Stan Hastings on behalf of the Rosalyn and Harry Hastings family
  • Stella Boyle Smith Trust, Cathy and Mike Mayton, Trustees
  • Terri and Chuck Erwin
  • Vicki and Mark Saviers
  • Yellow Rocket Concepts


Estimated Timeline

Construction began October 2024, Opening Spring 2026


60+ one-, two- and three bedrooms and 10 artist-in-residence units

Commercial Space

12,000 sq. ft.


30-60% AMI (area median income)

Development Type

Live/work affordable artist housing

Mixed-use new construction

Estimated Project Cost
