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Latest news: Town Center shapes up with help from Artspace | January 17, 2024 | The Sopris Sun
Carbondale is the fourth Space to Create community in Colorado!
We are thrilled to bring this new project to Carbondale and look forward to working with the community to make it a success.
¡Carbondale es la cuarta comunidad de Space to Create en Colorado!
Estamos encantados de presentar este nuevo proyecto en Carbondale y esperamos trabajar con la comunidad para que sea un éxito.
Project Goals
Develop a mix of workforce housing for the Carbondale community.
Develop a vibrant central promenade supporting creative non-profits and industries.
Engage with the Carbondale community to develop a shared vision for the program, built environment, and community spirit.
Keep Carbondale, Carbondale.
Through public outreach and events, we plan to build upon the planning and market studies of the Town of Carbondale and Artspace that are currently informing this vision.
Objetivos del Proyecto
Crear una combinación de viviendas para la mano de obra en la comunidad de Carbondale.
Desarrollar un vibrante paseo central que apoye a las industrias y organizaciones creativas sin fines de lucro.
Comprometerse con la comunidad de Carbondale para crear una visión compartida del programa, el entorno construido y el espíritu comunitario.
Mantener Carbondale, Carbondale.
A través de actividades y eventos de divulgación pública, tenemos previsto basarnos en los estudios de planificación y de mercado de la ciudad de Carbondale y de Artspace que actualmente sirven de fundamento para esta visión.
Artspace’s work in Carbondale began in 2017 with a feasibility study process which included tours, focus groups, public meetings. It was followed by an in-depth Arts Market Survey in 2018 on the needs of creatives in Carbondale. 79% of the 342 survey respondents indicated a need for some kind of creative space (live/work housing, private studio space, and/or shared creative space). Artspace was committed to seeing a project happen for Carbondale’s thriving creative sector and continued to stay engaged with the Town and Carbondale Arts and are thrilled five years later to make this a real possibility.
El trabajo de Artspace en Carbondale comenzó en 2017 con un proceso de estudio de viabilidad que incluyó visitas, grupos de enfoque y reuniones públicas. Le siguió una encuesta en profundidad del mercado de las artes en 2018 sobre las necesidades de contar con personas creativas en Carbondale. El 79% de los 342 encuestados indicaron la necesidad de contar con algún tipo de espacio creativo (alojamiento para vivir y trabajar, espacio de estudio privado o espacio creativo compartido). Artspace se comprometió en hacer realidad un proyecto para el próspero sector creativo de Carbondale, siguió comprometido con el ayuntamiento y con Carbondale Arts y, cinco años después, está encantado de convertirlo en una posibilidad real.
Artspace Chosen as Developer to lead Town Center Project in Carbondale
Artspace Projects, America's leading nonprofit developer for affordable spaces for artists and creative workers, based in Minneapolis, MN, approaches development in a unique and collaborative manner. We look forward to working with the Town of Carbondale and our long-standing community partners Carbondale Creative District and Carbondale Arts. The Town Center site will include a mixture of uses for multiple organizations along with affordable workforce housing. Thunder River Theater located on the site and other arts and community partners are all possible site partners.
Recent Artspace developments through the Space to Create program in Colorado include Ridgway and Trinidad. Outside of the Space to Create Program we have nearly 60 projects in operation around the country. Artspace has a long history of creating high-quality, sustainable, and affordable housing for artists and creative individuals. This new project in Carbondale is no different, as it will provide residents with amenities to support their creative passions.
Photos, top to bottom: Pierre Hollard, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons; 1RingFB, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.