A commitment to the Lindquist Legacy Fund will ensure that Artspace is able to continue our work developing affordable, sustainable, and equitable creative spaces in distinct cultural communities across the country.
Donate to the Lindquist Legacy Fund
When you support the Lindquist Legacy Fund, you are making an investment in Artspace to strengthen our expansive network across America, and to stay engaged in conversations with our partners and anchor institutions who are critical to developing projects in distinct cultural communities.
From its very conception, and under Kelley’s leadership, Artspace worked with underserved communities, including both low-income artists and communities of color. In our first non-Twin Cities project, we actively partnered with the Ojibwe community in Duluth to create Washington Studios. We have worked in many culturally distinct communities over the past 30 years, including the Oglala Lakota community on the Pine Ridge Reservation, a predominately Puerto Rican community in New York’s East Harlem, a predominately African-American community in New Orleans, and a predominately Mexican-American community in El Paso, Texas. This requires an inclusive, modest approach, and one that leans heavily upon many partners who can help us respectfully engage in the community.
For more information about the Lindquist Legacy Fund please contact support@artspace.org.